Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Sad Day for Modern Medicine: Dr. Tedros Thug Mephistofelisch selling voodoo meds

 Sad Day for Modern Medicine: Dr. Tedros Thug Mephistofelisch endorsing voodoo meds

Dr Tedros Thug is none other than Secretary General of World Health Organisation, who is serving the second term after unanimously reelected as Secretary General Last year. Doesn't matter where you are reading this blog in this world now, your country's ruler/leader/tyrant has voted for this historic crap team of medical experts.

His standard is so low, he is attending a "Voodoo medicine" conference in Gujarat arranged by Modi. The meeting and speech of Modi is being telecast on NDTV as part of "Show Supreme Leader's Speech or your licence will be cancelled".

So I heard it, Where Indian Prime Minister said a Voodoo Broth "Kaada" prevented "Coronavirus" spread.  That concoction is a herbal remedy according to superstition ridden Ayurveda. As Usual Modi Is speaking in Hindi , which means that Dr. Tedros can't make head or tell of it and has to depend on interpreter's version .  Now this NDTV thingy claims to be an "English News Channel" but always broadcasts Modi Speech in Hindi. 

 However like as other useless channel ,  they have a news ticker, which keeps telling "Dr. Tedros of WHO-ville" addressed the Conference with "Kem Cho, Namaste" in Gujrati. 

So we should assume WHO Secretary General Dr. Tedros Mefisto understands Indian languages especially Modi's Hindi.  I'm sure he also understands that all these conferences are happening in Gujarat because the election is upcoming there and he is taking part in BJP's Election Campaign there.

Why vaccinate,  if KAADA is the cure? Huh, Dr. Tedros?

Tell me something Tedros Baby,  do you endorse Ayurveda and Yunani herbal medicine? What do you take when you fall sick? Herbal or Big Pharma Meds?

Testing , isolating , treating and Vaccination has taken tremendous toll of every country's finances for last two years. And India is no exception, official Death toll stands at half million, the real tally may never be known. 

And Modi told, world has taken note of Indian herbal meds both Ayurveda and Yunani meds , Does WHO officially Agree with him?

If Dr. Tedros disagrees, why didn't he oppose him right there? Oh, I also got a glimpse the crowd there,

In Indoor Setting, Without Mask they sat. Does WHO Prescribe that as well? The Big Question is that,  If "KAADA" broth cures Covid19 , why is WHO still selling Vaccines ?

Anybody can make KAADA broth in any kitchen.

 WHO chief a "Suck Up"?

Be it Xi Jinping in 2020, Be it Joe Biden in 2021; Be it Modi now, Dr. Tedros seems to endorse and suck up to any Countries' leader. Specially if they are paying members to coffers of WHO!

A magazine subscription salesman has more integrity than him. He and his entire crew of pathological suckers need to be banished in St. Helena. 

You know I had disagreed With Donald Trump on about everything, but cutting WHO's finances is probably only Two good things he did (Other being , killing TPP ). 



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