Friday, January 16, 2015

Oh Yes I am a Human Being

With Advent of micro-blogging, I had curtailed my blogging activity .. No one reads it Anyway ..After all, What is a blog to counter myths propagated by "Billion dollar Media Empires" ..

But I had to return to blogging to counter a lie, propagated by Ultra-right wing in Greece, That I'm not a Human Being, but a computer generated robot .. What a lie, What a figment of imagination ..

I had been accused of Many things .. Of Being "International News Obsessed", Of Being "Fair Trade Practitioners", Of Being a "Dreamer" .. Better never have they called me a Bot ..

My Crime is that I support people based Participatory Politics globally and support Movements like Occupy movements or Wikileaks Party or Aam Aadmi Party or Syriza and Retweeted 3-4 tweets of Alexis Tsipras ..Never in my wildest imagination I thought A retweet could be considered as an Insult in any culture .. Least of all from the land of Socrates & Plato :)

On Tweets

Micro-blogging world is a strange world, but I love it .. There one has to define life-time of work in 160 characters ( and call it BIO) and why not .. This is the century of Super Market and every-thing has to labelled .. There is a shelf on Right for Right-wingers, there is a shelf on Left for Left-wingers and everybody must be labeled and shelved .. Other-wise super-market trolley's would come and troll you .. So I left that space called BIO ambiguous and left to people's own imagination ..

If that leads someone to think I am not human .. Well they lack faith in Human Capabilities ..
If that leads someone to think I am a software program .. Sorry my friend, No hardware has been invented nor will it be invented in next thousand years to run thoughts of my brain as a software service ..

I shall continue to tweet & retweet & reply as the way I see them fit .. No amount to right wing troll can deter me, never had, never will ..

On Language

Some ask do you speak our language .. how many languages to do you speak? Well I learned 3 languages in School in curriculum and two languages from the sideline and one from radio .. At 25, I spoke/understood 7 or 8 languages .. now I lost count ..

I put language skills in these categories:

  • To be able to Speak
  • To be able to Converse 
  • To be able to Read
  • To be able to Write
  • To be able to Comprehend
  • To be able to Articulate
Every normal human being Speaks & listens ( then converses) in one language or other ..
All literates can write as well ( Provided they downloaded the font or the right app)
But not all can articulate .. that is the job of profound thinker ..

But it is rude to expect everybody can and should be able to articulate in all the languages he can read & comprehend .. Imagine what will happen If I ask Neo-Nazi's to articulate in my native tongue "Bengali" ( 7th most spoken language in the world ) .. But Don't worry, I won't .. I'm not that rude ..


Question is who would not support Syriza?

If one takes sadistic pleasure on people being out in hunger or out of heating in winter or out of jobs in youth .. those sadists will not support Syriza ..

In US, individuals caught in a debt-trap are not put in jail .. but allowed to declare Bankruptcy & start over ..
Corporation can declare bankruptcy and the rich men don't become poor overnight?

Why should IMF not provide the same courtesy to nation states, be it Greece, Be it Spain or Italy ..
After all did IMF ask nations to go for a referendum before accepting the debt? How can "Shylock International" ( just Shakespearean reference, not any racial one) be allowed to put a gun against the people, who had no idea what previous govt did with those loans / debts?

Euro wasn't created yesterday .. Why did EU allow Olympics to be held in Spain & Greece then?? Then they made good money out of it..

Syriza to me sounds like the right answer .. they are saying no to austerity and reducing human pain ..

"Reducing Human Pain & Suffering" ~ What a lovely thought .. what better way to end my first blog-post of the year..

1 comment:

  1. Apologies from Greece.
    Not for the right wing idiots, they will always be right wing idiots.
    I feel I have to apologise because the person behind caling you a bot is the head of the Greek prime ministers press office.
    So it is the Greek prime minister himself that is the right wing idiot behind all that.
    And when such a person to becomes prime minister the people are accountable.
    Our prime minister is a right wing idiot surrounded by right wing idiots.
    We are working to change that.

    Thank you for your support.

    Just a Greek who has been called all kinds of incredible things and even threatened for criticizing his government.
