Saturday, September 17, 2022

Wildlife Smuggling in Broad Daylight

 Wildlife Smuggling in Broad Daylight 

Eight African Cheetahs were kidnapped and stolen by this American Wildlife Smuggler, Dr. Laurie Marker and released inside an enclosed tiny area on the occasion of Would Be Tyrant Autocrat, but for now just Prime Minister's Birthday. 

This stokes up memories of Colonial Times, when despot kings of tiny princely states in British India received such gifts from European Hunters on Birthday or Coronation Anniversary. 

Anyway this Smuggler :

A) American 

B) Have big contacts inside Democrat Party.

C) A woman academic . 

Therefore She cannot be called as a Wildlife Smuggler, but fact is when someone shoot 8 cheetahs with tranquilizer darts and ship them off from Namibia to Chambal in India in Tiny cramped boxes in semi-conscious state... there is only One word to describe Her, 


Indian Media like even NDTV got hold of a local conservationist and supposedly expert in this field who said "Dr. Marker will stay back for months in India to Monitor to Cheetahs" .. Well , my Foot, she spends most of her time in California and rarely visits the so called "Conservation project" in Namibia.. She goes where Fund-raising is, on 25th of this month, she will be in San Francisco , Yachting with Silicon Valley Billionaires to set up "Many Acre-wide Private Zoos". 

She happens to be certifier of "Legal Pets" as her project team will organize "Free Cheetah" run in Canada. White People's fraudulent activities are highly diabolical. 

She or her likes have become many times Millionaires in this trade. Now let's get back to Pitfalls of this relocation project. 

Reintroduction of Cheetahs or Introduction of African Cheetahs?

These 8 unfortunate creatures belong to different subspecies of Cheetahs. 

Cheetahs were of 2 kind, Asiatic and African Cheetahs.  

Asiatic cheetahs had 2 varieties, Iranian and Indian cheetah. Indiscriminate hunting by British made Cheetah extinct,  thankfully those hunters also like to boast their exploits by writing books .

Among Africa Cheetah, there are various pockets of population, each adapted to their environment with unique evolutionary traits, the saharan cheetah and namibian cheetah are quite different genetically now.

So Indian Cheetah were vastly different to Namibian ones. They are as different as Asiatic Lions, Rhinos and Elephants are to their African counterparts. 80000 years separation leads to different physical characteristics. 

 so this is : 

Introduction of African Cheetah in Indian Jungles,  which is 

A. Immoral 

B. Illegal. 

Chambal isn't Namibia, Kuno National Park is a green valley fed by rivers.

Cheetah's natural habitat is dry arid grasslands in Namibia, and Kuno or Chambal region is not like that for 8 months of the year. 

What Indian Media won't tell you, both Chambal Region and Kuno National Park gets their names from rainfed rivers Chambal and Kuno, Kuno being a tributary of Chambal.

These river valley's experience two different Monsoons every year. From March to June, before the onset of Monsoon,  Kuno river dries up and the area somewhat gives a false impression of African savanna. 

Whichever expert said its ideal for Cheetahs, that too, African Cheetahs, needs to get his head examined by a shrink or his qualifications rechecked ,  whichever is convenient.. time wise and cost wise .

UPDATE: as of 21st September 

This Cheetah Zoo project of BJP ran into a hurdle, as its Mother project of "Spreading A Vegetarian Hindu Sect Ideology" got upset after Some of BJP cadre owned TV channels showed Cheetah hunting Animals (in Africa).

Now proud hindus are very upset that Cheetah would hunt their dear "Cheetal" deer. And believe it or Not, BJP Government has responded that "Imported Cheetahs" has not killed any deer, especially Cheetals. 

Although that's great relief for "Uneducated Vegetarian BJP supporters", it's sad news from Conservation perspective. In order for those Smuggled Cheetahs to survive,  the Cheetah must kill Cheetals and Sambhar Deers and also Neelgai or wild boars. Occasionally stray or feral cattle will eventually end up in their menu.

Wild Tigers, Lions also eat Deers on regular basis in India and No carnivore in the wild eats Pumpkin and Potato curry as Vegetarian BJP wishes too. Deny them Deers and they will raid Human village for Cows and Goats .

But so far, Cheetahs are in tiny open zoo where Modi released them. They are not really Released in the wild unless they climbed a tree and jumped outside the fence.

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