Tuesday, October 18, 2022

One Nation, One Urea Factory: BJP'S Free Market Hypocrisy

 One Nation, One Urea Factory: BJP's Free Market Hypocrisy is astounding. 

This announcement came from None other than Indian Prime Minister Mr Modi yesterday.  So he ended up saying "Multiple Companies creating same useful products" is nothing but "Scuffle among companies" , his limited understanding seems to suggest "one brand ie Monopoly is best way to price stability" and he also named that brand "Bharat" , the hindi name for India. 

Monopoly loving price rigging Prime Minister isn't even aware how "Retail product pricing" is done, after production, transport-insurance-labour handling charges are added. So consumers near the factory get to pay less than consumers at the farthest part of company. 

Neither is he aware that when there are multiple producers of the same Useful product then just to attract more consumers, companies try to offer lowest price.  Urea market were not even in perfect competition stage in India,  it was merely Oligopoly, but there were few Government aided fertilizer companies who were given subsidies in past to keep Fertiliser prices (and in turn input costs of farmers ) in check . 

Over last one decade, Fake and Fraudulent "Free Market Loving" Economists lobbied hard to get rid of Fertiliser subsidies and now they are silent at "One Nation, One Urea Company" concept. Barring this blog, you would not see any criticism of this concept. 

On odd day, Modi advises to methane capture from garbage rotting in drain and cooking with it and local fertiliser production by villagers from "Cowdung gas plant" and on even days, Modi Says "One large factory for Urea supply of whole nation " .

India's biggest problem is now that Indian Press is not only deaf and dumb , but blind also. TV channels have only one job, "Sell potato chips while spreading hate against Muslims " , so nobody will say anything against "Urea Monopoly" and impending doom of Fertiliser shortages in many parts of country . 

When this utopian concept was first leaked, they said Government will give 90% subsidy and now of course, that bit is omitted, no chamcha reporter managed to say, what amount of subsidy (if any) will be given.  Forget asking what will be "Cost to Government budget" and is that even Provisioned for in the Union Budget.

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