Friday, October 13, 2023

For This Has To Be Told: End Israeli Occupation of Palestine

 In a world fed by monetized Snapshots of 30 seconds of newscasts , Truth becomes the first casualty

 Try living your entire life under foreign Occupation in an area that is barely 10 km wide, 60 km in length.. And enclosed in two sides by high wall built by Israel and your only access to outside world is via internet or through long drive through Egyptian desert  highway.

Imagine when White Man's Supreme council , United Nations were formed, your country was member from the very beginning , because It was under "British Mandate", a sanctimonious term for "British colonies won after World War 1" ... and now UN only allows "A member of Palestinian Authority In West Bank".

If you are not white in skin colour, it will enhance your understanding of the situation. If you follow a faith or religion that is frowned upon by Neo-racist Western world, your understanding would be near Complete. 

But nothing beats the first hand experience of an Palestinian living in concentration Camp they call as "Gaza strip", so even I won't Understand what drove them to take up arms with Hamas and cross the border wall into South Israel (actually It's Occupied Land of Palestine ).

Except Death, Hamas's campaign offered nothing to Palestinian youth .. what level of hopelessness had reached there, that they had to take this extreme measure . 

It was at the beginning of this century, in the year 2000, US President Bill Clinton declared that two state solution will be worked out in presence Of PLO chief Arafat and Israeli PM Ehud Barak.

This was in Camp David, the Presidential holiday retreat of USA. I'm sure a certain senator from Delaware also sneaked in after these negotiations for free food of After-party. Yes, Dirty Pompous War Mongering Joe Biden was an influential senator in 2000.

OMG! CNN , BBC , Foxnews , DW never told you this..

But how could they, news media organisations has one purpose and one purpose only, in present times. Brainwashing its audience on behalf of its paymasters.

 Did you hear in any Western Media, this Gaza and Israel border is cordoned off by Israeli wall?

Even US backed Egyptian Dictator, General Al-Sisi made a border wall to please his Zionist masters in Washington and New York. You never heard about them in last 7 days.

Neither will Western Media tell you that walled, cordoned Gaza strip was target of Israeli Missile turkeyshoot once every alternative year.

If you think, Putin's RT will tell this truth.. forget it. Netanyahu has been helping Putin to evade western sanctions, not just now but since 2014.

These Border walls and regular airstrikes by Israel was not what was agreed by leaders in camp David!

What drove me to write this post is that Israel is now preparing by Massacre of Million plus Palestinians, hyped and cheered on by Bimbos and Zealots and Warmongers on CNN, BBC.

Propaganda is Netanyahu told everyone to evacuate Gaza City. 

Reality is : Israel is asking Gazans to leave all of their infrastructure.

 Every news media keeps saying Gaza is heavily populated, densely populated. Nobody tells the reason why?

Gaza was the site of UN run refugee Camp when Arab-Israeli wars happened. That's why they get UN and Arab aid. About 80%  Gazans are either refugees or descendants of refugees who fled from southern Palestine, what your modern-day bimbo anchoress' keep calling as South Israel. 

Are journalists that stupid, where would an refugee leave to? But Television Bimbos keep saying "They have to leave ".

Bimbos keep saying, Hamas killed children.. the number of Palestinians children killed by Israe in last 3 decades is more than the population of Estonia.

Even this week, Dozens of UN Aid workers were killed by Israel. Is Israeli action by any means Proportionate? HELL, NO.

Two wrongs don't make one right, One can condemn Hamas's action but one has to condemn War Criminals Netanyahu and His Irish cousin Joe Biden. 

UN, who has officials stationed in Gaza keeps saying half million internally displaced. Idiotic Ethiopian Jewish Chief of WHO keeps saying "We need another humanitarian corridor in Gaza"; well, dear stupid Doctor, Gaza itself is a humanitarian corridor 10 km wide and UN had recognised that in 1973. Even in Oslo Accord, Israel admitted that.

I guess things that happened 3 to 5 decades ago are neither venerated history nor current affairs story, so nobody remembers anything. Oslo Accord, Camp David Summit, Israeli siege of Gaza strip which contains UN refugee camp, Sea Blockade, Humanitarian Floatila voyages and Israeli troops firing on them .. all are forgotten.

Let's end this post with ..

Stop Genocide, Everywhere.

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