Friday, December 15, 2023

New Rajasthan CM and his ridiculous Election Affidavit

 I heard a new person became Rajasthan CM , someone whom very few in Rajasthan know outside his assembly, so he was absolutely Unknown Person to me. 

All Politicians have to give an affidavit stating his/her assets, liabilities, profession, education, age, marital status, criminal cases etc. 

Thankfully Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) maintains a website and I searched and found Mr. Bhajan Lal Sharma's affidavit to be quite funny and interesting . 

Let me share the multi-talented Sharma's details, which I found to be ... let's say..,...🤔 ...  interesting :

See I told you, they claimed to be Multi-talented in their affidavit:

Mr. Sharma has 4 professions, quite a multi-tasking chap he is:

Job No. 1: An employee of Railway Ministry, which looks like a full-time one.

No. 2: Proprietor of Sri Krishna Kanhaiya Company. 

No 3: Rent Collector 

No. 4: Serial Passbook/Checkbook updater. 

Although he passed Masters Degree examination from Rajasthan university, but Nobody apparently taught him the difference between "Profession" and "Sources of Income".

Normal people don't write Rent and Bank Interest in profession column, they are mentioned in other sources of Income section. 

He thinks similarly his wife has 3 professions:

A. Wholesale Trading Business 

B. Interest collection from Parties. 

C. Interest Collection from Bank.

So far Mr. Bhajan Lal Sharma's biodata looks like an entrepreneur's isn't? Kind of Open but money minded person, he looks like.. isn't he?

Since he mentioned, interest and bank interest a lot of times in profession section.. let us see, what he has stored where?

What? Mr. Sharma lists Bank Interest as One of Mrs. Sharma's profession and she has only two accounts and in one she has zero balance for which normally bank charges a penalty.. total 10 thousand in her account, annual interest would come as 600-700 rupees only!!!

Remember that she is in wholesale trading business as well.. Mr. Sharma says both Mr. & Mrs. Sharma have only 1.5 lakh rupees in cash. 

How can anyone run a wholesale trading business with 10 thousand in bank and 1.5 lakh cash, in today's market?

Mrs. Sharma has no bank loans also..

Surprisingly,  Mrs. Sharma has not given loans to anyone also..

Then from which parties does Mrs. Sharma collect interest from? Isn't it obvious that Mr. Bhajan Lal Sharma himself has been doing the wholesale trading business, possibly breaking service rules of Railways Ministry.. and has been booking those Income in his wife's name? Double benefits of standard deductions in Income Tax and relief from service rules of Railways Ministry.. huh?

It's not just a loving husband's wishful thinking, Affidavit says .. Mrs. Sharma has been filing Income Tax Returns regularly and in some years had paid more taxes than Mr. Sharma.. have a look..

But at least the Rajasthan CM gives information about Wife's asset and liabilities and Income.. unlike his boss, PM Modi who just skips everything about his wife's income and liabilities and assets.. etc.

But I wonder why this new CM does not mention the current value of his wife's wholesale trading business in assets section and he also omitted the value of his proprietorship business, Sri Krishna Kanhaiya & Company?

SRI KRISHNA KANHAIYA & COMPANY and violation of Ministry of Railways Regulations?

Normal Employees of Indian Railways can't run full-time businesses because of service rules, but Mr. Bhajanlal Sharma it seems has been allowed to run a Private Proprietorship firm, "Sri Krishna Kanhaiya & company" .. although named after Hindu God, it is registered in various business website in serious Mineral trading business. 

In one B2B website,  it clearly states "We supply minerals and ores to Cement and steel plants".

It is not just wishful thinking driven listing, as another business directory even gives its address and GST registration number as well.

This address "A-29C Jawahar Nagar Bharatpur Rajasthan" is the same as his residential building mentioned in his affidavit:

Now is this residential or commercial building? It's really real building as Google map find it here..

So if you run a mineral and ore supply business from a property worth 40 lakh or 4 million, that business has Zero asset value?

And how was he running this business? Was he going to Ministry of Railways office or doing his home office, everyday? Did present BJP Government at Centre who runs the Ministry of Railways, gave Mr. Sharma a special permission to run his private business while working in Railways?

So before Media people write, "Oh finally a middle class working man became Chief Minister" would they look into his income from Mineral trading business?

 Assets of Grownup Children are not listed among CM's but Son's Educational loan is listed in CM's personal liabilities: How bizarre!

It is clear from his affidavit that his children has grown up as he doesn't list any of them as dependent.

But his liability declaration lists his son's personal educational loan!

Now he can't take the tactical route out that his children are doing Mineral trading now..

As he keeps paying his Son's education loan back. 


As for Criminal cases, he lists one of violating Pandemic rules and obstructing Government officials.. 

Quite stereotypical Politician's resume, he got..

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