Thursday, November 3, 2022

Anatomy of Morbi Scam Coverup Part 2: With Video Evidence

 Anatomy of Morbi Scam Coverup Part 2: Why Indian Media can't check old YouTube video

Why can't Indian Media check old YouTube/Pictures of Morbi Hanging Bridge?

Plenty of People had uploaded them, like this Gujarati Travel Blogger,  who uploaded this video about 9 months ago:

 This video shows the travel blogger wearing Masks, so it was definitely after the Pandemic started. 

He entered the bridge buying a Rs. 15 ticket. 

Now it costs Rs. 17.

Remember in the Contract with Morbi Municipality, Oreva was allowed to increase Rs. 2 in ticket price, every year from now on.

This video also showed Aluminium flooring in dilapidated conditions, although the travel vlogger thoroughly enjoyed his crossing .

This video also showed, bridge swayed when even one person crossed it and even 2-3 people were able to swing the bridge. 

Let me now share, another video of Morbi Hanging Bridge,  which was kind of promotional video but important to show that even 6 years ago, Morbi Suspension Bridge had Aluminium flooring.

The Misinformation that some Indian Media was peddling, that gets busted.

  1.  Oreva aka Ajanta started charging people with Tickets of Hanging bridge only from this October. WRONG, they increased the price of tickets from Rs. 15 to Rs. 17.
  2.  Changing Flooring from wood to Aluminium, this year; Caused the bridge to collapse. NOT TRUE.  Aluminium flooring was introduced many years ago.
  3.  People suddenly started Swinging the bridge this year, leading to its collapse. INCORRECT.  In all old videos, you will see someone Or other is swaying the bridge. 
  4.  Clock-maker Ajanta got the contract only this year. NOT TRUE, They were selling tickets at Rs. 15 , before the renovation. 


What caused the Bridge collapse?

Overcrowding, Deliberate Swaying and lack of rules and crowd control caused it. Bad maintenance definitely was a major factor too. 

The fault doesn't lie on 3-4 small fries now being "Put under trial" and this was not any "Act of God" (a legal tact to protect the criminals). It stems from " privatisation of public utilities is always Good " philosophy, at the end, they all fall down.

The beginning of the collapse started when a clock-maker company was given to contract of maintaining this specially critical old Suspension Bridge.

When did Ajanta get the Renovation contract?

Well, from reviewing older news reports, it points to a timeline of 2007. Even Ankit Tyagi of NDTV (formerly of India Today) accidentally mentioned it one night. Every News Editor knows that, but at that time CM of Gujarat was Current Prime Minister. 

So Super-scared Noida Media left Morbi yesterday. No more Ground Zero report from Godi Media. I'm currently searching for news reports from 2007, will blog as soon as I get some documentary evidence. 

Stay tuned and stay safe.

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