Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Check up with Rayalseema for Cyclone Impact

 "Ullu ke patthe, Indian Media" check the South Andhra Coast.

As they were misled by Stupid, Stupid, Most stupid IMD, Indian Media continues to ignore the Real Landfall of Cyclone Asani. This morning when Ongole And Guntur in Andhra faced heavy rain, Indian Media was present in Orissa Border and Vizag , hundreds of Miles away.

Heaviest rains and winds were faced by Rayalseema coast, but I haven't seen any reporting from "Globally Broadcast" Indian Media channels.  Saw enough of faulty reporting from West Bengal and Orissa and even Vizag.

Trouble with Indian Media is they can buy fancy cameras but not buy a handheld digital barometer,  basically they don't even know that checking atmospheric pressure gives the clue if they have seen the center of cyclone. "We are Liberal Arts students, Sir ... Don't try to teach us Science, we won't convert " they seem to say. I even saw a report that Ranchi in Jharkhand saw some rain and a reporter saying "cyclone might come there" as it changed track.

How stupid can they get, I can guess they went to schools and colleges only to learn Mythology, Right wing Politics and Useless brand of Patriotism.  Things that matter in real life like reading Isobar maps or wind shear patterns or even checking a live Radar. 

After hitting Rayalseema coast , it crossed in Krishna and Godavari basin and gone inland and any rational meteorology student will tell you, it caused heavy rain there. 

One expected so called "National Media" to report from Landfall zone; After all, they were the ones who scared Orissa and Bengal with "Cyclone Is Coming" chant for last 5 days. No doubt, the plight of people there is more important than BJP's rename Politics. 

If Media can't report a cyclone landfall ...

 How can you tell them to check Glacial Lakes in erstwhile Gangotri glacier at 4000 metres of altitude, where there are no roads and whole lot of trekking and climbing will be involved.  Those lakes are ripe for creating catastrophic floods in mountain gorges of Himalayas, any day.

But Indian Media has lost it's way in 17th century somehow and keeps questioning "Mughal Emperors"; News People no longer believes in reporting "New" things,  perhaps you should call them "Olds" . Disgraceful.

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