Monday, May 9, 2022

Cyclone Predictions .. Ha ha ha

 Cyclone Asani

Lots of people has been asking from Kolkata, did Cyclone Asani hit them today morning or will it hit them later.

I'm shocked that even after getting hit by cyclone for two successive summer, they still don't know the difference between a spell of rain and a cyclone. 

I've been noticing crap International Channels like BBC and others has been predicting such a track, but the in-swinging, back-spinning and then out-swinging track is both impractical and unscientific for a "Category 1 cyclone" .. for that the system will need to be at least a category 3 storm.

In fact, it is causing rain in Chennai and Rayalseema coast, which are far and far away from Bengal. Yes, luckily it will loose its intensity after coming close to Andhra coast's Delta. But it will rain heavily there and fizzle out.

DON'T LISTEN TO BAD FORECASTS.  Next Bay of Bengal cyclone will be more interesting and must be watched. This one is almost over.


  1. I am surprised to find that IMD HAS NOT ISSUED ANY ALERT for CHENNAI or RAYALSEEMA Coast, but they facing storm damage and HEAVY RAIN.

    All the alerts were for North Andhra, Orissa, West Bengal and even Bangladesh and Myanmar.

    If INCOMPETENCE had a face, it would look like Modi and his handpicked stooges in Government circles, including IMD and his cronies like Skymet.

    1. Indian Media specially Kolkata based Bengali News Channels are so useless, Just heard ABP Ananda correspondent is counting waves at Digha, West Bengal and showing them on TV. Its high tide time, stupid.

      Cyclone is causing rain in Rayalseema and even Chennai coast. Stop Terrorising Simple folks, Media .. this cyclone won't come 800 miles because you are shooting.

      In Bengali, we do have a proverb about "Idle People" and "Counting waves".

      Stick to Fish fry and Liquor, stop reporting.
