Thursday, December 22, 2022

BF.7 .. Did they get scared of that strain?

 BF.7 and did Indian government get scared of that strain?

BF.7 Covid strain has been around for long, I had blogged about BF Lineages before.  But let's set the facts straight..

BF.7 sequences were detected long before any Omicron strain was discovered in South Africa, actually on 26th February 2021 .

But they were classified as BF.7 in July by Pangolin Software. 

India found 2 cases, one on 15th July and other on 16th September. 

Now they become scared of BF.7? On 22nd December? Like a popular soap advertising quip, I wish to ask "Tera Scientist Late hai kya?" 

And all state governments in India started "Covid Review Meeting" across party lines? To Politicians I wish to ask, " Have left your brains in Safety Deposit Box of your Bank" ?

Covid may be prevalent in India thanks to dropping of all precautions by these governments, but not BF.7 strains.

BF.7 is so old a strain that it has Sub-lineage strain now!

In Virology, 5-6 months are like 2 decades in human lifetime. Just like humans grow up and have children of their own, viruses spawn fresh Mutations and create Sub-lineages. Last time I checked BF.7 have Sub-lineages:




BF.7.4 and its own sublineage BF.7.4.1 and BF.7.4.2





These Sublineage all failed to become "Dominant strain" in any location. So what is this propaganda of BF.7 is all about? Did India's own "Cheap Scientist of WHO" ask for this propaganda?

This BF.7 is neither more Infectious nor more deadly which is what I intend to prove now. And there are no scientific proof that this strain is responsible for China's Covid surge. Those "Scientists" that say so, don't know a single thing about Virology. 

This BF.7 strain is neither more infectious, nor more Deadly . 

I have included two other locations, Japan who had and still in the middle of Covid19 superspread and USA (most english reading folks believe whatever US says) who didn't have any superspread in last 6 months. 

But if you look in the outbreak info screenshot that I shared above would find very few cases since first detection. 

Neither California, Nor Cumulatively USA saw a spike in deaths. Japan and South Korea saw most deaths from Covid in last 6 months  although they are vaccinated with same American Vaccines. 

Since the BF.7 detection and Covid19 death curves don't fit in Japan and South Korea; it can be ascertained that BF.7 was not the primary reason for those Covid deaths.

Now I have described these data and the science in layman's terms as much as possible, maybe the idiots of Indian Media can read and learn.


  1. And "Idiot of the day" award goes to "India Today" TV channel..

    While global "official tally" of Covid cases goes to 660 million, they are showing 440 million..

    Screwed by Cricket they are it seems, changing 6 to 4s.

    And Rahul Kanwal, Rajdeep Sardesai et Al, start the hoopla of "China strain" based on WHO's "baseless statement" and went on to "Blame WHO" .. 180 degree rotation..

  2. Update on 23rd December:

    All these hoopla about BF.7 was a ploy to sell "Covid Vaccines via Private Hospitals" ..

    India Today, NDTV, News18 and Republic channels has been "Telemarketing" for vaccines who even scam-ready WHO didn't approve.. Zydus Cadila and Bharat Biotech's nasal vaccine.

    Zero efficacy duds, that's what they are selling.
