Saturday, December 3, 2022

Important: Biden doing what Trump used to say on Covid19

 Important: Biden doing what Trump used to say on Covid19 

You won't hear it on Mainstream Media, but Joe Biden is doing exactly what Donald Trump is to say.

1. "Stop Testing" Trump said and Biden did.

When Trump said, "Stop testing for every flu-like fever" many of us ridiculed him for ignorant and unscientific. And our opinions were megaphoned by CNN, BBC, NBC ,  CBS, DW, France24 and the rest of CIA infested global media . 

But when Joe Biden literally stopped Covid Testing in 2022, yes, only a handful of states in USA now. And Media is reporting "Flu outbreaks here and there".

Needless to remind you that the crap RTPCR detection primers are in use globally, that was pushed by CDC and the healthcare Industry, most newly evolved strains of SARSCOV2 will never be detected.

2. "It's just Flu" , Trump,  Bolsonaro said .. Now Biden and Lula will say the same.

Media in US, who cried a Mississippi on TV, Internet when first Hundred Thousand deaths were reported in US and now silent on One Million Covid deaths in US.

Their only item on Agenda is blaming China for having Covid restrictions, just like west did 2020-2021. Those blanched and Ugly and brainwashed TV anchors forgot:

In 2020, Paris and Dutch cities saw anti-restriction rallies and BBC dumbos forgot that their super dumb PM Boris Johnson was ousted for partying during Covid restrictions. Even during Omicron wave, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands saw anti-lockdown protests. 

But Protests in European Democracies or in America are signs of Anarchy for Western Media, only "Government sponsored rallies" are democratic exercise.

Right Now, a Covid wave is hitting Qatar, Bahrain, UAE Area. And Media deliberately calling it "Just Flu". XBB.1, BY.1, CA.3, BN.1 strains are circulating in that area, what we know for sure. Many other strains can potentially emerge through such news-gathering for a "Rigged World Cup".

3. "Blame China" policy of Trump. 

When Trump used to blame China without any Rhyme or reason for the Pandemic, Nancy Pelosi and the lot used create a hysterical theater and would end up praising Xi Jinping. 

After failure of US-China trade negotiations, Pelosi and Biden has become totally dependent on Trump's "Blame China" policy.

As a longtime critic of China's Human rights record, I find such flip-flopping extremely distressing and totally crazy.

You know what, if Xi gives carrot on Trade negotiations or breaks ties with Russia, all of China's human rights abuses shall be forgotten by Media . But those will be against China's own economic interests, so they will not do them.

To conclude, Covid19 outbreak of 2022-23 Northern Hemisphere Winter will be under-reported and best Precautionary Measure is to wear a mask while going out, just like 2020.

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