Wednesday, December 28, 2022

I have stopped watching TV, thanks to Fake Scientists on News

 I have  stopped watching TV, thanks to Fake Scientists on News

But stupidity of Indian still percolate through my firewall. 

Take the example of "Moneycontrol" online news outlet,  boldly giving Unscientific headlines such as

 "Coronavirus BF.7 Variant in India Highlights: A mother and daughter arriving from China via Sri Lanka to Madurai test positive for Covid 19"

I got curious and looked into the news report. Firstly , their headline over an overstatement and a lie. 

Truth starts and ends with "A mother and daughter arrived in Madurai from China via Sri Lanka... and they tested positive for Covid19" 

Which variant that is, can't be ascertained by "News Channels" or "Airport Authorities" or "Press Trust of India", who filed this misinformation. That has to ascertained by Genome sequencing, as I mentioned in my earlier post :

 You would also find the scientific fact that there is no proof BF.7 is causing the super-spread of Covid19 in China. 

Rest of the report had no mention of the patients, whether they are in hospital or institutional quarantine or home quarantine . 

Moneycontrol is a business news network and gladly went on write an "Advertising Article" for Bharat Biotech , what is their price, where they are available. Regardless of the fact, no country other than India or international organisation has approved this nasal vaccine. Indians actually have to buy these vaccines at Rs. 800 per dose.

In fact, same method was used in Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine but UK didn't approve of that vaccine. Nasal vaccine without the spike protein (which is ever changing by the way, thanks to high Mutation Rate) can NEVER PRODUCE the immunity that a vaccine ought to provide and a body needs to repel the virus.

Now Architect of these Nasal vaccine approval seems to be a non-scientist , one time Microsoft secretary,  Mrs. Melinda Gates .. known in the Media world as "Gates Foundation" co-chair and divorced wife of Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder.  Gates couple has long left Microsoft to invest their money in Utilities, Energy and of course,  Pharma Companies. Technically "Gates Foundation" is just like any other Wall Street investment fund, except they don't pay high taxes using the "Humanitarian" garb and only a select handful of Billionaires handle their work.

Now citing "India is allowing Nasal vaccine ", expect the failed AstraZeneca vaccine to be approved in India very soon.  As Gates family is highly invested Poonawala's outfit and as well as Bharat Biotech. 

Although one need lesser consumable in Nasal vaccine,  as one do not need injection syringes or cotton balls or disinfecting alcohol, they are still priced as 800. One spray can do hold multiple doses and there are be "No proof of exact amount of vaccine applied" to all subjects. 

Despite these glaring anomalies, Government of India is pushing forward with Nasal vaccine. May god save India from greedy shopkeepers, who has ascended to the throne in India. 

As for Submitting recent Genome sequencing data to or NCBI, there are none. After all, how many people Check NCBI data in India,  not even one dozen ... and how many people follow TV , which peddled fake news everyday .. well, about a Billion. 

But sooner or later, have to update Indian Covid Variant data. Will get back to BF7-mafia and NasalVaccinePeddlers that day..

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